We provide translations in all major sectors including business, legal, technical, scientific, brochure and various other fields in all key cities including Toronto, Vancouver, Ottawa, Calgary, Montreal, Seattle, Halifax, Edmonton, Winnipeg, Quebec City, Regina, Yellowknife and cover all the major provinces including Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Ontario, Nunavut, Newfoundland and Yukon.
Professional Linguists:
The professional native translators at iConic Translation World have specialist knowledge in the subject concerned and are able to provide accurate and refined translations in all major world languages including, French, Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, Greek, Turkish, German, Chinese, Korean, Russian, Arabic, Hindi, Tamil and Japanese.
Our payment process is also devised keeping the convenience of our clients in mind. We accept payment via PayPal or direct transfer method. Our translation quotes are highly optimized, offering you the cheapest rates available without compromising on the quality. Our price starts from $0.03 per word.
Flexible payment options, capable of dealing with large volumes of work, early payment discounts, special promotions and competitive rates are some of our outstanding features that give you the ideal translation solution.